
Hinweis: Von der Betreiberin der Website und der Inhaberin der PR-Agentur „BarbaraPR“ werden keine Beratungen sowie Dienstleistungen mehr durchgeführt und keine diesbezüglichen Aufträge mehr angenommen.
Hello, my name is Patricia.
I am the founder of BarbaraPR, a Public Relations Agency with a 360° approach.
Within my Agency I was offering a diverse range of services primarily focused on Public Relations, Communications, Brand Building, Image-PR, Brand Strategy, Community Building and Fashion Promotion.
However at the moment I wanted to turn my focus on other projects and therefore I have decided to stop working as a Public Relations Consultant and to close down my company BarbaraPR.
From now on I am working as a self-employed writer.
If you want to find out more about my new activities, visit my website www.barbara-schild.com
Austrian Fashion Designer FLORENTINA LEITNER started her brand 2021 after graduating 2020 with her Master from the Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp, Fashion Department in 2020. After her Master she worked for Antwerp based fashion brand Dries Van Noten.
But then decided to stay in Antwerp and create her own
brand that takes inspiration from strong female characters, and wants to celebrate femininity, and dressing up.
FLORENTINA LEITNER is known for colourful prints, new textile combinations, 3D Flowers and fashionable accessories, like sunglasses.
The brand tries to work together with artisanal factories in Italy, Belgium and Austria and sources fabrics as sustainable as possible.
Get in contact
Patricia Leitner
Hofstattgasse 24/3
1180 Wien
Tel: +43 690 / 106 628 89
Mail: info@barbarapr.at